The Alphabet ….
The Alphabet ….
It’s easier to recite it, when we start with A. Then build from it. It comes naturally & we learn it from a young age.
When grief is introduced into our lives, we revert to feeling rather like a much younger version of ourselves, when we couldn’t recite the alphabet.
Each person has their unique way of wading through the situation they find themselves in, due to individual uniqueness of life experiences.
Acceptance is not a commonly used word in our day to day existence … however, when travelling with grief … which we all do in one way or another its a word that sets us on the path of deep understanding, of the alphabet ahead. The one we must re learn. Before the feeling of acceptance is imbedded into our souls, fully, the alphabet is a massive challenge.
Learning the alphabet in order is the only way here. Until the A feels natural, don’t expect or try to push forwards … hang around the A for as long as is needed.
Words are beautiful, letters make up our words & our worlds.
If you’re feeling stuck & reciting is not as easy as you’d hoped … revisit the A & try again. ❤
Have a fantastic A NEW DAY …
Michelle X