Grief … Awareness …

A huge subject, with at least a trillion different viewpoints. Each grief card that is dealt out by life, is different. The overall strapline may appear the same … the detail is however very different for each person & situation.

Grief is love, deep love … that has changed. Loss & death bring with it change … the love adjusts … deepens & travels with each person. It’s never ending & changes… grief requires patience, demands change, asks for understanding & acceptance.

Awareness of grief … noticing how wild it can be, yet how gentle all at the same time.

Giving grief space & allowing it to nurture me through the tidal waves & the gentle ripples … getting to know it, befriend it, trust it & travel with it …. Is I’m aware, my secret power. Grief is powerful & supportive.

There is no end date in grieving for the loss of a loved one, I sincerely hope not. Grief deserves a seat at my table, space in my thoughts & a forever corner of my heart. ❤ It’s forever changing, allowing me to evolve & wants to travel with me. A friend who has my back.

Not only be aware of grief, allow a friendship to blossom. 🌸 ❤


JOY ….


The Alphabet … B