
That warm, fuzzy, contented feeling that comes & floods us when something important has been accomplished. 👌 👏

It’s a feeling that has addictive qualities. However, comes at a cost …. A cost of uncertainty, worry, effort, mental strength, commitment, dedication, determination & on times sheer grit.

We all have these moments of satisfaction on every scale, small to large to blinkin massive !!

My moment today is on completion of a FIRST .. my son’s 1st birthday without Dad in the mix, in the planing, in the chaos, the photographs & the memories.

Last night, after the day of cards, gestures to honour Dad, family, friends, fun, laughter, cake … gorgeous photographs & cuddles. The fuzzy flurry hit me, with strength , power, weight & speed. Wow ! A fabulous day that will be remembered fondly as fun & positive.

The input of worry, fear, concern, dread, mental chatter, heartaches …. Had paid off … I’d trusted it, expressed it to anyone that would listen & you! Now, I was getting the reward & I can compare it to a lottery win ( I’m imagining 😉😜). SATISFACTION right there.

The realisation that Dad was in the pictures, the planning … and the memories . New simple traditions were born. ❤

The next spell of grit, fear & all of those draining bits … I’ll hold on in there awaiting the inevitable flurry … SATISFACTION.

Have a satisfying day.

Michelle X


Wild flowers & weeds…


Firsts !