Wild flowers & weeds…
Felt compelled to stop & admire these yesterday when I was supposed to be running !
I noticed the weeds & the pretty, colourful flowers that stand out.
This got me thinking that just as in nature here … our minds contain wild flowers & weeds … every aspect of this journey we find ourselves taking contains wild, colourful, beautiful moments & many wild rampant weeds which attempt to invade & over take the colour & beauty☀
What stands out is the colour, the detail & the delicately formed wild flowers.
We are all delicately formed wild flowers … beautiful, worth stopping to admire 😉 & shine over & above the weeds in our new world, the weeds of emotion, struggle, shock, despair & all of the situations, thoughts & circumstances that arrive at the same time as widowhood.
Regardless of the intensity & strength of the weeds as the seasons progress … the WILD FLOWERS will always remain gorgeous, strong, light, colourful & delicate. Fitting in to any environment with ease ..
Wishing each & everyone of you wild flowers 😊 a fabulous day. ☀
Michelle X