Come on ……
Who can resist ? Come on, it must be time for cuddles now. Our furry friends feel intensely, watch us, wait for us … they’re faithful & trusting.
Progress … Growth …
Fancy chocs & a progress journal. A nice combination, the intensity of the handmade chocolate feeds the mind to begin an action plan !
Precious Time …
Timepieces each having witnessed precious memories made, time spent wisely & time wasted. These timepieces have something in common, they’ve all been treasured. Here they sit quietly, waiting to be spotted by another time traveller who sees their beauty & feels the urge to purchase.
Cake FIRST …
There’s always STUFF that awaits our attention, our time, our energy & our focus. Naturally, some are more urgent than others, some more rewarding.
Entering a maze, narrow paths, limited view ahead & no clue where the exit is. I used to love taking the kids into a maze, the excitement & the mystery , frantically running to the next corner & then scratching heads, laughing. Confusion & excitement combined. Joy ⭐
Letting GO …
This crazy thing called life, on times puts us in a position where letting go is not optional.
Temporary ….
Blue skies … gorgeous, beautiful blue skies. Today, the grey, dark skies remind me that so many things in life are temporary.
Life in numbers …
Whatever weekends mean to us .. for many it’s two days of something different to routine. How would a life of weekends look ? Probably not as wonderful as it sounds as the weekends feel better if they bounce along with the routine. 🤔
Hands UP slow DOWN ….
When it feels like everything is breaking the speed limit, life is too fast or simply an overload of STUFF to negotiate. Road rage is a real danger ! The road we are travelling can seem frustrating, on times, infuriating.
Masterpiece …
Morning beauty. A new day unfolds, with its optimism, shades & layers. As we approach the freshness of the day our minds have the habit of wondering into the future & the past. Whilst touching on today.