Unlocking …. Everything ❤

Unlocking …. Everything ❤

Everything in our world requires locking, unlocking & knowing which keys are important to us, is on times .. KEY.

How many keys ?? Likely hundreds …

From safe keeping, to hiding, to starting & keeping going ….. simply keeping going. Keys are needed.

Keys get mislaid, in our house it’s a regular occurrence ! Got me thinking around the subject of keys & engines.

Our inbuilt engines to life that we value & hold dear … need keys.

🔑 Thoughts

🔑 Energy

🔑 Courage

🔑 Memories

🔑 Fears, Hopes & Dreams

The journey we are all on … requires various keys to be located to embrace our full potential & care for our souls & immediate world.

Keys get mislaid, I trust I’ll always find them.

Unlocking the internal components within us to glide through our lives, with the beauty, the bumps & the broken pieces …. Is a power within us, the skill is finding the correct key to put in the ignition.

Trust your keys will show up, to take you along the thrill of life with the broken bits … embrace for the bumps.

Keep safe what’s important to you. ❤

Everything in your world 🌍 can be unlocked & locked.

Believe in your internal power & beauty … you’re worth it.

Grief wants the keys to SHOW UP. Keep showing up for everything. ❤ 

Michelle X


Laughter leads the way … a little 😀


Winter layers ….