Perfectly peaceful ….

Perfectly peaceful ….

Peace, what is it ? Calmness, silence, remote locations. 🤔

Peaceful places can evoke that Ahhhh feeling, the restorative effect. Thoughts become peaceful, giving our spirit the care it deserves to power up & be ready to embrace the next day.

Soaking up the scenery, the atmosphere or the vibe… knowing where peace might be, a skill. A skill worth striving to perfect… mmmmmmm.

Peace, my guess is it’s a state of mind, not a remote calm location. However, to polish & perfect the peace the location does the trick.

Does perfection exist ? In my opinion it’s a definite NO … seeking perfection may result in missing so much beauty that life can give us.

Let’s strive to locate PEACE within us…. Persist in seeking it out, regardless how remote the location within, dig deep & know you are worth it ! ❤

Finding our own perfectly peaceful state of mind…. Now, I believe, that’s worth striving for.

Never losing sight of the far from perfect life we lead.

Wishing you a day peace seeking ⭐

You’re worth it ❤

Michelle X


Champagne moment …


Live LOUD …