Half Measures ….

Half Measures ….

Glass half full, glass half empty.

There is no question, filling glasses to the brim takes concentration…skill.

Approaching life in half measures, will only ever give us half strength effect. 💪

The reality here with these three drinks, if they were poured into larger glasses, each would be half full 🤔 .. or of course, if you prefer, half empty.

Empty ..Full ..Empty ..Full ..Empty .. Full … ???? 🤔

How do you view life ?

Dedication is required to continue to see the glass full. It’s a state of mind, which gets knocked & split easily by influences & actions of others.

Living a full life would always be viewed as favourable to living an empty one, I guess most around the table would agree.

Voids, emptiness & gaps are part of life, we live with space to grow.

Filling one’s table with only those that prefer the glass full is what will support our growth & guide us to the joy. Around the table, will be many broken pieces & crumbs, as that is life, however eating like a King 🤴is fully available to us all, with the right people around our table.

❤ Fill your table

❤ Concentrate

❤ Perfect the skill to fill your glass

❤ Put your cards on the table

Don’t live life in half measures ☀

Put on your crown & eat like a King.

You’re fully worth it…. 

Michelle X


Happy Hour …


Now there’s a … Story…