The kindness knot …..
Strong knots of kindness form the basis of our daily life throughout the inevitable minor & major ups & downs.
Kindness comes in many forms, small gestures, even smaller gestures & the more mind blowing .. acts of gigantic heartfelt kindness that get shown to us & that we can show to others.
The threads of kindness can & do build up, wind together & create strength to stride through the day & the inevitable chapters of ups & downs.
As in a knot the threads go back & forth, the kindness sparkle ✨ … is the most powerful when it is given & received regardless of the the ups or downs of our day … we can receive the sparkle & radiate it … at the same time, not always in equal measures, depending on our level of falling to pieces !! 😢
On times we seek more kindness than we are able to give back .. however the knots are always under construction & there’s always an opportunity to give & receive kindness.
Look for ways to radiate kindness …. Be the tiny difference. The sparkle always reflects back .. brighter & shinier.
Sparkly knots are strong & will make the difference to get us through, hold us together & keep the threads tight.
Have a strong sparkly day with kindness flowing both ways. ❤ ✨
Michelle X